14d Haarlemmer

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14d Haarlemmer


Haarlemmer (series 531) — Half strength jobbing

Haarlemmer was designed in 1939 for a Bible project of Van Krimpen's, and briefly taken up by the Dutch publishing house Het Spectrum for their own Bible. The war intervened, and during it Van Krimpen designed Spectrum for the same purpose. For reasons of speed and economy, Haarlemmer was designed to fit an existing Monotype keyboard arrangement, which meant that the widths of the letters were preordained and Van Krimpen had to tailor his design to them. This clearly did not work too well, though it is the relative weights of the roman and italic which are the type's chief drawbacks. Van Krimpen was unhappy with the type. Although technically it was issued, no sets of matrices were ever sold until John Randle and Sebastian Carter jointly bought one in 1991.

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